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A Response to Alex "Wheelchair Rapunzel" Dacy's “INSTITUTIONAL RACISM AND ABLEISM: BOTH ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT (minorities need to do better)”

“ INSTITUTIONAL RACISM AND ABLEISM: BOTH ARE EQUALLY IMPORTANT (minorities need to do better) ” by Alex Dacy addresses many issues that marginalized communities deal with. Instead of being a piece that conveys a conclusive final statement, it is a manifesto produced from a thinking process that is full of anti-blackness and other racist ideologies, further harming disabled people of color . When I came across this blog post, I wasn’t sure what I would think by the end of having read it. As I began to read it I was surprised to see that there was only one person who wrote it, being that there is an image of an unnamed Black woman being used as part of the header image along with the author herself. It’s unclear on why a Black woman is being used in the header. In my opinion, it was grossly irresponsible to write and publish a piece on these two experiences together, especially coming from a place of privilege on one of the topics that she later speaks on.  The ve...
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Revisiting a Response.

During Black History Month of 2019 I wrote a response piece to someone’s blog. A little bit over a year has passed and I would like to revisit and reflect on what I wrote. 

Just Because a Disabled Person Can Work Doesn't Mean They're Actually Able To

A little over a week ago I went to go get my pass for paratransit service renewed. For those of you who don't know what paratransit service is, I'll summarize below. Otherwise, skip this following paragraph:       The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires for most public transit services to offer paratransit service. This service is for disabled people who have trouble accessing regular public transit-- either sometimes or all of the time. The idea is that accessible vehicles are able to pick us up from one location and to take us to our second location (if not closer to it). These rides must be requested way ahead of time-- usually several days ahead of time. It is supposed to be comparable to a regular bus service... which totally never happens, but back to the topic at hand... Since this was just a renewal of services I already had an idea of how things would go. My local public transit service had an appointment for me scheduled at their headquarters. The...